Remembering a custom begun by my aunt, I can still visualize her tradition. Every Thanksgiving after the desserts had been enjoyed, aunt Rett would take out her pencil and paper and record the responses to this question: What would you like Santa to bring this year?
For the children, it was an easy question to answer, and some answers were long! But, for the grown-up nieces and nephews who seldom had a request, it wasn't so. Yet, she wanted to have something from Santa for everyone in the family. Ironically, she was the most difficult to buy for as she would only request her favorite fragrance (Aka signature fragrance) which she nearly had stockpiles of as time went by.
If this dilemma is one that applies to some on your list, we suggest a practical option - A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM VALENTINO'S COMFORT SHOES. A pair of well-made shoes, that accommodate orthotics and other foot related issues that occur over time, are a solution. The gift certificates are available in any denomination, have no expiration date and allow the receiver an opportunity to shop and try on whatever style they fancy. Options include: shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals, slippers, diabetic socks, etc.
As the marketplace gets smaller and smaller for in-person shopping, patronizing local shops will benefit shop keepers as well as shoppers. Our knowledgeable footwear specialists look forward to this season's opportunity to serve you. C'mon in and savor the experience:)